ERS members

Become a member

By deciding to become a member of the ERS you can help us win the fight for electoral reform.

All members are entered into our statutory register of members. What is this?

You must agree with the Aims and Objectives of the Electoral Reform Society to join. What are they?

Register of Members

In line with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006, the names and addresses of all members of the Electoral Reform Society are entered into our register of members.

To comply with Sections 116 and 117 of the Act, the Society may make the register of members open to inspection by the public, who may also request a copy. If you do not wish to become a member, you can make a donation instead.

Aims and Objectives

According to the Society’s Articles, the objects of the Society are:

  1. To secure the adoption of the principle of proportional representation by the method of the single transferable vote (preferential voting with quota counting) in elections in the British Isles and elsewhere for parliaments, provincial, regional and local authorities, other public and semi-public bodies and for officers and governing bodies corporate or unincorporate; and to facilitate development, improvement and mechanisation of the techniques associated therewith; To advocate and support other measures, not being inconsistent with the above which are conducive to:
    a. Strengthening democratic governance;
    b. Maximising voter participation;
    c. Ensuring that elections are conducted according to standards of fairness and equality, and that counting processes are transparent and open to scrutiny;
    d. Ensuring that electoral processes are regulated so that no interest is able to secure an unfair advantage; and/or
    e. Implementing internationally accepted standards of electoral practice; and
  2. To advance the study of electoral science.

If you wish to become, or are already a member, we recommend that you read the full Articles of Association and Byelaws of the Electoral Reform Society.

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